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ACT Election 2012

The Ginninderra Falls Association has asked candidates for their views on our proposal. See below for the text of our message. Responses will be recorded here.

If you did not receive a questionnaire and would like your views known, please email.

Candidate Support Comment
Adriana SIDDLE see entry for Meredith Hunter
Alan KERLIN see entry for Meredith Hunter
Alistair COE    
Amanda BRESNAN see entry for Meredith Hunter
Andrew BARR    
Andrew WALL    
Angie DRAKE    
Ben MURPHY see entry for Meredith Hunter
Brendan SMYTH    
Burl DOBLE    
Calvin PEARCE Yes. This park, if completed to its proposed specifications, will be an invaluable asset that is beneficial to both the environment and to humans. Such an initiative is important to demonstrate how environmental issues should be dealt with, by giving neither humans nor the environment precedent over the other. A complete funding projection for this proposal is key to its future. A lack of funds would be the only logical reason to oppose this national park and so, if the financial issues can be dealt with, there will be nothing to oppose the parks creation.
Caroline LE COUTEUR see entry for Meredith Hunter
Chic HENRY    
Chris BOURKE    
Chris BUCKNELL    
Darren CHURCHILL    
Darryl WALFORD    
David CUMBERS    
David MATHEWS    
Elizabeth LEE    
Emmanuel EZEKIEL-HART Email address not supplied to ACT Electoral Commission
Giulia JONES    
Glen McCREA    
Glen TAKKENBERG Pirate Party ACT has no policy on the proposed Murrumbidgee - Ginninderra Gorges National Park, but my personal opinion is that this is a great initiative that presents multiple benefits to the Canberra region, and as such should be supported.
Hannah PARRIS see entry for Meredith Hunter
Ian GARDNER see entry for Matt Thompson
James HIGGINS see entry for Meredith Hunter
James MILLIGAN    
Jayson HINDER    
Jeremy HANSON    
Johnathan DAVIS see entry for Meredith Hunter
Joy BURCH    
Karamia LÊ see entry for Marion Lê
Karl MAFTOUM    
Kate REYNOLDS see entry for Marion Lê
Kieran JONES-ELLIS    
Majlinda BITANI see entry for Marion Lê
Marion LÊ ï»¿Thank you for your email. I absolutely support the proposal. When my children were young we used to go to the falls regularly and I took many interstate visitors there. The falls and the surrounding area must be protected for future generations to enjoy. Thank you for your work and congratulations on your web-site. Our Party position is to support the Murrumbidgee-ginninderra gorges National Park.
Mark CURRAN    
Mark ERWOOD    
Mark GIBBONS Thank you for the chance to discuss this. Our policies (viewable at include a large focus on increasing resources for community groups and encouraging their participation in the policy process. We do not have a specific policy on Murrumbidgee - Ginninderra Gorges National Park, but the idea is consistent with the principles of policy platform and I can confirm my full personal support. I would be happy to introduce or support this proposal within the Assembly.
Mary PORTER    
Matt THOMPSON Thanks for the opportunity to comment. We (LDP) support the propose Gorges national park providing it will be available for recreational use in most parts (horse trail riding, camping etc).
Matt WATTS    
Meredith HUNTER Yes

The Greens are happy to support the push for a Murrumbidgee - Ginninderra Gorges National Park. Meredith was pleased to host and emcee a forum in the Legislative Assembly discussing this issue.

Please note that the ACT Greens have a number of environment related policies, which are all available on our website, at
In particular, you may be interested in our nature parks election commitment:,
and our lakes and waterways initiative:
All of our election commitments are fully costed and on our website, along with our full policies, and more information about our candidates.

Merinda NASH    
Michael LINDFIELD I support the proposed national park which includes a unique natural habitat and ecosystem for native species and wildlife.  Similarly, the proposed national park captures a rich history including Aboriginal and European influence as well as offering exciting opportunities for developing eco-tourism.  A national park will protect the natural environment with balanced eco-tourism for this generation and others that will follow.
A cornerstone of my election commitments includes marketing Brindabella’s eco-tourism potential.  This was released on 9 March 2012 (refer:
Murray GORDON    
Mustafa JAWADI see entry for Matt Thompson
Nehmat Nana JBEILI Our stated Party position is to support the Park. {see entry for Marion Lê}
Nicole LAWDER    
Norm GINGELL I support the work that the Ginninderra Falls Association is undertaking to advance the proposal for a Murrumbidgee - Ginninderra Gorges National Park and to further explore the nature of the funding, infrastructure and management plan required to bring it to fruition. As a past user of the Ginninderra Falls area I appreciate its natural beauty.
Philip POCOCK Email address not supplied to ACT Electoral Commission
Rebecca CODY    
Shane RATTENBURY see entry for Meredith Hunter
Shelley DICKERSON    
Simon CORBELL    
Steve DOSZPOT    
Stuart BIGGS    
Tim BOHM    
Tom SEFTON    
Tony HALTON    
Trisha JHA see entry for Matt Thompson
Vicki DUNNE    
Yvette BERRY    

The ACT Electoral Commission listed you as a candidate for the 2012 ACT Legislative Assembly election to be held on Saturday, 20 October 2012. Your email address was also provided.

I am writing to all candidates, who have released their email addresses, to give you an opportunity to state your support, or otherwise, for the proposed Murrumbidgee - Ginninderra Gorges National Park.

Please note that, unless you request otherwise, your responses will be posted on our website at ACT Election 2012.


  1. Do you support the establishment of the Murrumbidgee - Ginninderra Gorges National Park?
  2. Do you have any comments you would like to add?

Would you like to receive regular updates about the proposal? If so, please indicate in your reply or just send an email to

Thank you,

Dr Chris Watson
Ginninderra Falls Association

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