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Media Release: Cross-border catchment coordination group established


Released 05/11/2015

The ACT and Region Catchment Management Coordination Group’s independent chair, community representative and members were today appointed by Minister for the Environment Simon Corbell.

“I am pleased to announce the appointment of Professor Ian Falconer as the Chair of the Coordination Group, and Dr Fiona Dyer as the community representative from the Upper Murrumbidgee Catchment Coordination Committee,” Mr Corbell said.

The cross-border group will help improve the water quality of Canberra's lakes and catchments, and bring together key stakeholders across the ACT and NSW together with the Commonwealth Government to collaborate and coordinate actions to manage the region’s catchments.

Other members of the group include representatives from the ACT Government, NSW Government, surrounding NSW local governments, Icon Water and the National Capital Authority.

“Over the coming months, the group will continue to identify opportunities for coordinated delivery of on-ground activities and community engagement, to achieve our vision of healthy catchments and water bodies for the ACT and region,” Mr Corbell said.

The group will next meet in mid November to continue the work of the interim group.

The Water Resources (Catchment Management Coordination Group) Amendment Bill 2015 passed in the ACT Legislative Assembly on 4 August 2015. While the group had been operating in an interim capacity, the passing of the Bill allowed the coordination group to be established as a statutory body with an independent chair.

Further information on the ACT and Region Catchment Management Coordination Group will be available in the coming months on the ACT Government website:

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