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West Belconnen/Parkwood Development (EPBC SA024)

Notice in Canberra Times 14 May 2016, p6

Invitation to comment on urban development at West Belconnen, ACT & NSW

Riverview Projects (ACT) Pty Ltd, on behalf of the ACT Government and as an agent for NSW landholders, is proposing urban development at West Belconnen in the ACT and the Parkwood Peninsula in the Yass Valley, NSW. A strategic assessment (EPBC SA024) of the likely impacts of development is being conducted under Part 10 of the Commonwealth Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act).

The proposed urban development at West Belconnen in the ACT and the Parkwood Peninsula in the Yass Valley NSW includes approximately 11,500 dwellings and a 577 ha conservation corridor. The development has been subject to a Territory Plan Variation. Amendments to the National Capital Plan and Yass Local Environmental Plan are underway.

In accordance with section 146(2)(b) of the EPBC Act the draft Program Report and draft Strategic Report are being publicly exhibited for comment from 14 May 2016 to 10 June 2016.

The, reports set out proposed development, commitments, to protect environmental values and assess the likely impacts on Matters of National Environmental Significance, including listed threatened species and communities (sections 18 & 18A), listed migratory species (sections 20 & 20A) and any other matters protected under tne EPBC Act.

Written submissions are invited and can be provided to:

Elton Consulting
P.O Box 41 Dickson ACT 2602

or by email to

Persons requiring assistance with access to documentation, due to English being a foreign language, vision impairment etc should contact Roz Chivers on (02) 6274 3300.

The reports can be viewed on the project website or at the following locations during regular business hours:

West Belconnen ProJect Office
Shop 2 (near Aldi), Kippax Fair, Hardwlck Crescent, Hoft

The Land Development Agency
Ground Floor 470 Northbourne Ave, Dickson

Conservation Council ACT
Lena Karmel Lodge 14/26 Barry Dr, Canberra

Details of your submission may be published. If you do not want your personal information to be published please indicate this on your submission.

Further information regarding Strategic Assessments is available from the Australian Government Department of the Environment at

Information sessions are being held at the Project Office at Kippax Fair, Hardwick Cresent, Holt

5:00 - 7:00pm 10:00am to 12:00pm
Thursday 19 May Saturday 21 May



Can you please advise how our property (200 acres) will be affected by this project?

Tue, 4/07/2017 - 3:55 pm Permalink

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