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Murrumbidgee - Ginninderra Gorges National Park: Information Note 56

It has been a little while since my last Newsletter. Late last year, we went to the ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal against an ACT planning decision which could have potentially affected both the Little Eagles' nest site near Strathnairn and the Scarlet Robin. Following an agreement with the ACT government and the developer, we have now withdrawn the appeal.

There should be a Media Release out soon.

NSW Development Application

The development proposal for the NSW section is expected to be considered by the Yass Valley Council in the next few months. So far this year we have run a stall each week at the Yass Community Market and the Murrumbateman Village Market.

At these stalls, our initial goal has been to let people know that there is some urban development proposed for this area. If the proposal remains as is, then we will take the opportunity during the public consultation phase to express our concerns about the minimalist approach to the park's buffer zone. There will be a new park here but we are concerned, in particular, with the limited foraging area for the Rosenberg Goanna, the particularly narrow gap between new buildings and the main Falls, the general impact on the new park from such close buildings and the extreme fire risk for all dwellings in this corner.

Please let us know what you consider important here. The NSW area that we are concerned about is currently zoned for environmental purposes and one simple and effective response could be to petition the Yass Council not to agree to the re-zoning.

ACT residents can have a say in this matter as the ACT has to agree to provide all local services, such as, police, ambulance, sewage, rubbish collection. ACT residents can urge the ACT Government not to accept any arrangements until the new park area is better designed.


Darryl Seto
(for the Ginninderra Falls Committee)

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