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Community consultation commences for Parkwood Planning Proposal

From Yass Valley Council

Note: The original closing date for the Public Consultation was 5.00pm Friday, 26 April 2019, this has now been extended to 5.00pm Friday, 17 May 2019.

Formal community feedback is now sought for the Parkwood Planning Proposal – the NSW part of the cross border Ginninderry development.

Gininderry Development

Land proposed for Gininderry Development

“Parkwood is finally able to progress into the formal consultation phase, which will provide the community and NSW and ACT agencies the opportunity to formally comment on the proposal,” said Yass Valley Mayor, Rowena Abbey. “This is a very complex development proposal, due to its cross border location and environmental significance, and while there are still many issues to resolve this consultation process will aim to address any community concerns.”

Council received the Planning Proposal request in 2014 to re-zone the land to enable urban development, with Council making a Determination in October 2017. In August 2018 a Gateway Determination was issued by NSW Planning & Environment. The applicant has prepared a cross border servicing and infrastructure report and a strategic bushfire study for the development. Additional ecological and Aboriginal Cultural assessment has also been undertaken on the site. All of the work undertaken to date will be considered by NSW and ACT agencies, as part of the formal consultation process currently being undertaken.

The 3D model of the development has been set up at Yass Library to assist the Yass Valley community in understanding the size and complexity of the proposal and also encouraging them to provide their feedback.

The planning proposal documents can be viewed online or in hard copy formats:

The community are encouraged to provide feedback on the proposal prior to 5pm Friday, 26 April 2019.


Lovely picture at the top. This is the before. What will the after look like.

Fri, 5/04/2019 - 3:46 pm Permalink

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