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2022 Annual General Meeting

This year's AGM will be held at the Boardroom, Belconnen Bowling Club, Beetaloo St Hawker, at 5:30pm, Wednesday, 16 November 2022.

We will have the usual agenda: executive reports and the election of all office bearers followed by a general discussion on potential activities for the next year.

Like all associations, we are always looking to refresh our ideas with new committee members. If you want to participate or you have suggestions please come along and volunteer.

If you cannot make the meeting itself, please send a note to me so that I can put your name forward. (I am the Public Officer for the Association.)

Suitable topics for our general discussion could include the Western Edge Investigation; the federal environment law review; the implications of the proposed ACT/NSW border change and the general health of the Murrumbidgee River.

Refreshments will be available at the bar.


Darryl Seto
(for the Ginninderra Falls Committee)

Ginninderrra Falls

The Report in the article 16 September2022 ABC
ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr stated
“Mr Barr added that the Canberra rate payers would not need to further compensate NSW for the change, as the ACT Government had already brought the land.

I would like to put on the record that this statement is untrue.

I own a large portion of the NSW land including the Ginninderra falls and surrounds. This land is I enclosed by the Ginninderra creek and the Murrumbidgee river.

I would like to also put on the record
That a condition of rezoning of the NSW land is that the Ginninderra falls E3 land including the Ginninderra falls and surrounding E3 land is to be dedicated as part of the West Belconnen conservation corridor within 2 years ,My land. This has not happened and I don’t intend to dedicate this land ever. This NSW land is owned by me under freehold Torrens title.

Mon, 24/10/2022 - 6:40 am Permalink

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