I would like to be a member of the Ginninderra Falls Association.
The current membership fee is $35pa. Payments may be made via the Internet or by post to:
Please provide your legal name if your website username is not the same. Your name will not be used for any purpose other than for the Ginninderra Falls Association.
Please supply an address. This is optional if you have already given your email address. The address will not be used for any purpose other than for the Ginninderra Falls Association.
OPTIONAL. Please supply a contact phone number. The number will not be used for any purpose other than for the Ginninderra Falls Association.
OPTIONAL. The name of a current member of the association who is personally known to you and who will nominate you for membership of the association.
OPTIONAL. The name of a current member of the association who is personally known to you and who will second your membership of the association.
Please indicate your support for the Proposal to create the Murrumbidgee - Ginninderra Gorges National Park including the wonderful Ginninderra Falls.
I also wish to make a donation of the above amount.