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Inquiry into Current and Potential Ecotourism in the ACT and Region

ACT Legislative Assembly website link to this inquiry including the final report (also see attached).

From the report:



5.60   The Committee recommends that the ACT Government consider creating a new nature park to preserve, maintain and make accessible Ginninderra Falls with sufficient surrounding land to constitute a sustainable nature park asset.



ACT Legislative AsemblyMatters of public importance

Non-sitting and sitting weeks – 2 July to 27 August 2012

Issue 9/2012


Report 8—Inquiry into Current and Potential Ecotourism in the ACT and Region

On 24 August 2012 the committee chair presented the committee’s report of its inquiry into current and potential ecotourism in the ACT and region. During the inquiry the committee received 30 submissions, and held three public hearings where it heard from 16 witnesses.

The report considered definitions of ecotourism; the extent of current ecotourism activity in the Australian Capital Region, by government, private sector and community organisations; risks and benefits to the environment from ecotourism; contributions to the economy; regulation and accreditation; and the ways in which ecotourism operators can be encouraged and supported to base their business on principles of ecological sustainability. Included among recommendations made by the committee were those recommending that:

  • ecotourism be given a higher profile within tourism marketing for the ACT;
  • the participation of community organisations in ecotourism be supported where possible;
  • new nature parks be considered for the northern part of the ACT and an area surrounding Ginninderra Falls;
  • that infrastructure such as tracks and signage be given priority within nature parks;
  • the Government increase its capacity to capture, analyse and publish data on ecotourism in the ACT;
  • the Government promote and facilitate certification of operators by Ecotourism Australia;
  • the Government facilitate and participate, more actively, in partnerships in ecotourism; and
  • it consider further ways to support further information and training on ecotourism in the ACT.

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