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NSW Parks & Wildlife area assessment Nov 2013

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Dr Christopher Watson
Ginninderra Falls Association
79 Denny St
Latham ACT 2615

Dear Dr Watson, I refer to your correspondence on 12 September 2013 where you are seeking an update on the feasibility report into the area known as Ginninderra Falls.

The NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) has completed an assessment of the properties offered for sale and determined that purchase of this land for gazettal is not a current priority.

The assessment included consideration of the landscape, conservation, heritage and socio-economic value of the properties, along with the indicative establishment and ongoing management costs should they be acquired for gazettal as a national park.

While the conservation value and recreational opportunities are acknowledged, the establishment and management costs would be prohibitive. One of the key issues identified in the assessment of the properties was the cost of making the area safe for visitors. I understand the area was once a recreational facility but was closed following a number of serious accidents and subsequent litigation.

NPWS receives many requests to purchase land and these need to be prioritised according to a range of criteria including conservation value and representation across the landscape. At present, these lands are not a priority for purchase and local resources are better directed to management of existing reserves, such as the nearby Brindabella National Park.

Attached is a summary of the NPWS assessment report carried out for the area. As the full report contains sensitive and confidential information, I am not at liberty to provide you with a copy. I trust you can appreciate the need for this confidentiality for all the landowners involved.

I appreciate your interest in this proposal and should you require further information please feel free to contact the Area Manager Mr Anthony Evans on 02 6450 5556.

Yours sincerely

Ann King Head - National Parks and Wildlife Service

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