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Cross Border Working Group: Hon Robyn Parker

The Hon Robyn Parker,
Minister for the Environment,
NSW Parliament
Macquarie Street

Dear Minister,

Re: Ginninderra Falls Area Assessment by National Parks and Wildlife Services

We appreciate the attention you have already given to our proposal for a 'Murrumbidgee­ Ginninderra Gorges National Park', especially for the recent investigations under the direction of the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage. Our Association is, however, disappointed to learn that purchase of land "is not a current priority" (Letter and summary from Anna King, Head National Parks and Wildlife Service dated 12/11/13 attachment 1).

However, we are grateful for the survey of some 274 ha's carried out  by the Service, which acknowledged the area's "conservation value and recreational opportunities".

As you will see from a locational map (attachment 2) and the Association's December update (attachment 3), our National Park proposal joins the ACT-NSW border.

Moreover, suburban development continues apace with West Belconnen housing proposals earmarked to extend into NSW coming alongside both the Murrumbridgee and Ginninderra Gorges (attachment 4).

We feel that the time is ripe for the formation of a "Cross Border Working Group" to consider the Service's assessment and help bring our vision closer to fruition. Such a group was foreshadowed in February 2013 by the NSW Department of Premier & Cabinet (Attachment 1, pA). Email copies were sent to both the ACT Government and Yass Valley Council.

Can we have your support to set up such a Group?


Dr Chris Watson

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