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Cross Border Working Group: Hon Katrina Hodgkinson

The Hon. Katrina Hodgkinson, MP
Member for Burringjuck
NSW Parliament,
Macquarie Street SYDNEY NSW 2601

Dear Ms Hodgkinson,

Re: Ginninderra  Falls Area - Need for Cross-border Working Group

Please find enclosed a copy of the Association's letter (with attachments) to your parliamentary colleague, the Hon Robyn ParKer, MP, Minister for the Environment.

We now see the way forward in the formation of a 'Working Group' comprising representatives from NSW Government, Yass Valley Council, ACT and possibly Federal Government.

Can you provide your encouragement and support to the formation of this Group?

A Cross Border Working Group is now an urgent necessity with the current housing development proposals being drawn up by Riverview Ply Ltd, not only for the ACT's West Belconnen precinct, but also adjacent land in NSW. If we are not vigilant, housing could well come unduly close to both the Murrumbidgee and Ginninderra Gorges.

Our Association envisages a much wider corridor to come under a National Park aegis at this confluence of the Gorges.

Perhaps we could accompany you in a visit to these spectacular gorges, which are currently in private ownership?

Yours sincerely

Dr Chris Watson

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