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The Chronicle, 1 July 2014: What I love about Canberra




ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher

1 It is hard to go past the people that make up our great city. The character of a great city is built by the people who live here and Canberra is a prime example of this. Canberra is an accepting community that is made up of smart and creative people who thrive on not only the diversity of ideas but also the cultural diversity that exists in in our strong multicultural and diplomatic community.

2 Canberra — known to some as the bush capital — boasts some of the best parks and urban open spaces in Australia. I love seeing Canberrans out enjoying the spaces with their friends and families for exercise or just a simple picnic.

3 As a mother of three I cannot neglect Canberra's diverse array of playgrounds ranging from the Pod Playground at the National Arboretum to the soon to be opened Boundless Playground by Lake Burley Griffin that will allow children of all abilities to play together. We also can't forget the endless hours of fun that is had by children (and their parents too) at the humble local playground.

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