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Katy Gallagher MLA, ACT Chief Minister

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Dr Chris Watson
President Ginninderra Falls Association
79 Denny Street

Katy Gallagher
ACT Chief Minister
ACT Leglislative Assembly
G.P.O. Box 1020
Canberra ACT 2601

27 Jun 2014

Dear Chief Minister

Formation of an Intergovernmental Cross Border Working Group to Establish a Park at Ginninderra Falls and surrounds.

You would be aware that the rezoning plans of the Riverview Group Pty Ltd with the prospect of housing coming close to Ginninderra Falls as well as to both the Ginninderra and Murrumbidgee Gorges are imminent (see enclosed article by John Thistleton "Call to reopen the Falls as new subdivision grows" Canberra Times 16/05/2014 p3)

In your letter to us of 04/02/2014 you advised us of the relevant activities of a "West Belconnen Cross Border Committee"chaired by the Act Government Land Development Agency. Our deputation was invited to speak at one of their meetings on 24/04/2014 at Transact House, Dickson. However we understand that there now be no further meetings of this Committee because of rezoning plans shortly to be open to public comment. It is disappointing that there were no formal minutes available to us following our presentation nor were there any Park or conservation professionals present.

Therefore it is now urgent to revert to our earlier call for a Cross Border Working Group to expedite our vision for a Park centred on Ginninderra Gorge and its two waterfalls. Our aim is to extend the Park along both sides of the magnificent Murrumbidgee Gorges both upstream and downstream from the Ginninderra Creek confluence.

We are looking for the most appropriate Authority to chair the such a working group; the NSW Cross Border Commissioner comes to mind and we have written to the current Commissioner, Steve Toms with our request, including relevant attachments. Could we please enlist the support of the ACT Government for this course of action? Also we are writing to the Mayor of Yass Valley Council, Rowena Abbey as well as the head of the NSW Parks and Wildlife Service, Ann King for their support; the National Capital Authority too is being approached.

CC Andrew Barr MLA
CC Simon Corbell MLA
CC Shane Rattenbury MLA

Yours faithfully

Dr Chris Watson (President Ginninderra Falls Association)

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