Dr Chris Watson
Ginninderra Falls Association
C/- 79 Denny Street
Dear Dr Watson
Thank you for your letter of 30 June 2014 requesting the formation of a cross border working group to establish a park at Ginninderra Falls and surrounds. As I have responsibility for regional development and cross border relations I am responding on behalf of the ACT Government.
In relation to your comments the West Belconnen Cross Border Committee meets quarterly, or when there is a matter of substance for consideration. It held its last meeting in April 2014 when your association provided its presentation.
Given this committee will continue to meet, I consider that it is still the most appropriate forum for the interests of the association to be assessed, particularly with the relevant ACT and NSW Governments and Yass Valley Council representatives as members.
Thank you for writing to me on this matter.
Yours sincerely
Katy Gallagher MLA
Minister for Regional Development
23 July 2014
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