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Vicki Dunne MLA: Public enquiry for DV351

Dr Chris Watson
Ginninderra Falls Association
79 Denny Street

Dear Dr Watson

Thank you for your letter of 30 September 2015 about the need for draft variation 351 to be referred to the Assembly's Standing Committee on Planning, Environment and Territory & Municipal Services for inquiry.

I wrote to the Minister for Planning on 13 August 2015 urging such a referral and Mr Rattenbury, as then acting Minister, responded in September 2015. Copies of the two letters are attached for information.

At this stage I am not aware if the Minister has decided to make the referral. No doubt, however, anyone who made a submission to the public consultation process will be advised if and when that decision is made.

Vicki Dunne MLA
Member for Ginninderra

14 October 2015

Attached letter to Minister for Planning

13 August 2015

Mr Mick Gentleman MLA
Minister for Planning
Legislative Assembly for the ACT
GPO Box 1020

Dear Minister

Draft Variation to the Territory Plan DV351

I have had many discussions with constituents and business people in my electorate about DV351 that relates to the Riverview development. While there is a good deal of interest in the proposal and enthusiasm for the long-term development of the region, it is clear that the support is not universal and that there are many questions about the fine detail of the development.

As this development will have a long-term impact on the Canberra Community in general and Belconnen more specifically as it will take 30 years to be fully realised, I want to encourage you, in the strongest terms, to ensure that there is a public inquiry through the Standing Committee on Planning, Environment and Territory and Municipal Services. I believe that such an inquiry would ensure that there is a high level of public confidence in the final variation to the Territory Plan.

Thank you for your consideration of these very important matters.

Yours sincerely

Vicki Dunne MLA
Member for Ginninderra

Attached response from Acting Minister for Planning

Ms Vicki Dunne MLA
Legislative Assembly for the Australian Capital Territory
GPO Box 1020

Dear Speaker

Thank you for your letter of 17 August 2015 to Minister Gentleman in relation to draft variation to the Territory Plan No 351 (DV351) - West Belconnen Urban Development. I am responding as the acting Minister for Planning.

The Environment and Planning Directorate is in the process of preparing a report on consultation which will consider matters raised in the submissions received in relation to DV351. Once completed, the report on consultation along with a recommended version of DV351 will be provided to the Minister for Planning for consideration.

I acknowledge the concerns you have in regard to DV351 and its impacts on Belconnen and the Canberra community and will advise Minister Gentleman on his return. Once the recommended version and consultation report are referred to the Minister for Planning, a decision will be made regarding referral to the Standing Committee on Planning. Environment and Territory and Municipal Services. This decision will include consideration of your letter.

I thank you tor raising this important matter with me.

Yours sincerely

Shane Rattenbury MLA
Acting Minister for Planning

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