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Approval for DV351: Mick Gentleman, Minister for Planning

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Dr Chris Watson
Ginninderra Falls Association
79 Denny Street

Dear Dr Watson

Thank you for your letter of 10 October 2015 regarding consideration of Variation 351 (V351) West Belconnen Urban Development by the ACT Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Planning, Environment and Territory and Municipal Services .

V351 rezones an area immediately west of the suburbs of Holt and Macgregor for future urban development and includes a conservation area. The arrangement of cross border infrastructure and service delivery does not form part of this variation and is an ongoing issue that requires in-depth discussions between the ACT and NSW .

To date both the NSW Government and Yass Valley Council have expressed support for the proposed rezoning of land in NSW. On 16 April 2015, a conditional Gateway Determination was issued by the NSW Department of Planning and Environment for the proposed rezoning to accommodate approximately 5,000 dwellings . The Determination requires extensive consultation with the ACT Government to ensure that the range of required matters to be considered is appropriately addressed . This includes the requirement for a Cross Border Government Servicing Report that addresses service delivery and recovery of costs. Work on the Services Report has commenced and will continue over the coming months.

In relation to the arrangement between Riverview Pty Ltd (Riverview) and the ACT Government, please note that the land is not being developed by Riverview. Under the project delivery agreement, the Land Development Agency (LDA) is the developer on the land. The role of Riverview is one of a Project Manager.

The ACT Government, through the LDA, has in place the necessary checks and balances within the project delivery agreements to provide returns to ACT ratepayers commensurate with its other major development projects.

For your information, V351 was approved without referring to the Standing Committee as I believe the matters raised during the consultation period have been adequately addressed. V351 was subsequently tabled in the Legislative Assembly on 27 October 2015.

I trust that this information is of assistance. Yours sincerely

Mick Gentleman MLA
Minister for Planning
24 November 2015

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