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Parkwood meets planning requirements with Council forwarding to State Government

see Yass Valley Council

Having met all planning requirements Yass Valley Council resolved at its meeting last night to forward the revised Parkwood Planning Proposal to the NSW Department of Planning and Environment. 

“There are numerous complexities and unique issues surrounding this development,” said Yass Valley Mayor, Rowena Abbey. “It is therefore vital that Yass Valley Council gets it right and we will continue to work very closely with NSW and ACT agencies to examine the models proposed and additional studies undertaken.”

Last night’s decision allows Parkwood to proceed to the next step of formal public exhibition and consultation with state agencies in considering the NSW portion of the proposed Ginninderry development which straddles the NSW-ACT Border.

While the ACT component of the development has been approved, the NSW section has required significant additional work to be undertaken on various issues including cross border servicing and governance, restoring public access to the Ginninderra Falls, as well as further ecological and cultural heritage assessments. 

“It is also incredibly important that we make sure that any decision will be to the future benefit – not detriment – of the wider Yass Valley,” continued Mayor Abbey. “That is why Council will be undertaking an investigation into local government service delivery and provision of infrastructure at the same time the Planning issues are considered by the State Government.”

A significant amount of informal consultation has taken place over a number of years, with various NSW and ACT agency representatives, including the broader community and groups such as the Ginninderra Falls Association. 

Council will now await further advice from the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, however it is anticipated that public exhibition of the revised Parkwood Planning Proposal will take place in early 2018.

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