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Minutes.  GFA Ordinary meeting Thur 19 May 2022

Submitted by John Connelly on

Venue By Zoom 4:00pm

Apologies. Chris Watson, Russ Temple, Darryl Seto

Present: Robyn Coghlan, , Doug Finlayson, David Kelly, Rosemary Blemings, , John Connelly

  1. Acceptance of the minutes of last meeting (Thur 21 Apr 2022).
      1. Moved Robyn , Seconded Dave K
  1. Matters arising:
      1. Dave K cannot find the DA for the Green Waste Facility. It should be on the website soon.
      2. Dave K. New Planning Bill should be our main focus. Dave has sent out a draft submission
      3. Bill can be thought of in two parts. 1) General Rules. This section outlines matters which require an EIS. 2) Mattters which are exempt from the Bill (eg local landscaping)

ZOOM drops out for a period.

  1. Treasurers report
      1. Missed this report.
  1. Web masters report.
      1. No report. Darryl not present.
  1. Mature trees consultation.
      1. Robyn. We should make a submission.
      2. Dave K. Highest number of trees are in urban areas.
      3. Robyn. Recounts that they have two Blakleys Red Gums on their property . They have bben informed that these trees are not considered dangerous but they have received no information on how to manage them.
      4. Robyn. We should make the point that the papers give no guidelines on protection.
      5. Rosemary. Need to comment on protection during development of new Greenfield sites. These trees are important however the department provides no information on management. This is always done by volunteers.
      6. Dave K. At McNamarra the general public had no say in the development. Protection rules only apply to private land.
      7. ACTION. Dave K. will put some words together regarding the mature trees submission.
  1. Urban Forest Bill
      1. DISCUSSION of Urban Forest Bill. ShouldGFA make a submission. Closing date is 27th May.
      2. Dave K. We should lobby politicians re the Urban Forest bill.
      1. Each group should make a separate submission rather than trying for a joint submission. CPAG have already made a submission,
      2. Robyn. Consultants from Sydney and Melboure will not have a good grasp of the different conditions in Canberra.
      3. ACTION Robyn. Will write a submission as she already has to do one for another organisation
      4. Dave K. Away until Tue 24th May so difficult to make any contribution.
  2. Any other business.


NEXT MEETING. Via ZOOM. Thur 16th June 4:00pm.


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